
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Down, Set, Hike!

I had a big test today. Actually, I don't know how big it was. It was one of 4 for my class. I don't know, maybe it actually was a big deal. I guess its possible I'm just rationalizing because I didn't do all that great on it... Maybe. But of course, I studied like crazy for it. In fact, I don't know what I would have done differently to try to learn the material in the time that I was given. There was just a lot there. Who knows.
But hopefully I did "good enough". I don't know if you all have heard of it or not, but Positive Psychologists talk about something called "satisficing", which means doing "good enough" instead of "maximizing"--doing as good as is humanly possible. They will tell you that you will probably be happier if you try to just do good enough more of the time than if you try to do the absolute best all of the time. Of course that just means lowering your standards, but who cares. If it's good enough, its good enough. And if you really need to do something REALLY well, then do it. Just don't do it out of habit. Because "good enough" is, in fact, good enough. If it wasn't you would call it NOT GOOD ENOUGH. But you don't.
Anyway, earlier today, we had a short demonstration on how to deliver babies by the St. Joseph residency program. Which basically amounted to free lunch, and residents trying to show all 30 of us at the medical school how to do it using 2 mannequins all at the same time. I guess you just catch. Actually, all I learned from that was "O-A = Okay!". Which kind of sounds cool if you say it, even if you had no idea what it meant... Anyway, it was pretty crazy. But you can't argue with free lunch and sweet mnemonics.

Well, that's about all I got. Enjoy Wednesday, the Day of Wednes. Possibly the Day of Wetness if it rains again. Or the Day of Witness of the Jehovah's Witnesses come to your house.


  1. You are a combination of a preacher and a comedian tonight! Thanks for the words of wisdom....and a laugh! I needed it today! I felt like a loser parent today...and now I just know that I did the good enough. I didn't have to do the absolute best!

    Watched some FUN (or rather FUNNY) slides tonight of you when you were a little guy in Canada! Good times!

    Love ya, Nance

  2. Oh boy. My Maternal/Neonatal Nursing class was taught completely by CNM's (certified nurse midwives). They were complete Nazis. If they read your account of how to deliver a baby, they would flip. That's good because they are retarded. I wrote a paper against vaginal birth after ceasarean one time and got totally reamed for it. Apparently research from three years ago is outdated...
