
Saturday, March 29, 2008

You wouldn't hit a kid with glasses, would you?

Well, today has been quite the day... It all started out with the big Immunology final. No big deal, I just memorized everything, so it shouldn't be a problem, right? Well, I guess it all depends what you mean by not a problem. Did I ace it? No. Did I pass? Yes, without question. Which is really all that matters. Because sme of the things that we had to learn for that test may never come up again. Like which ligand for which receptor is downregulated is what reaction under what expirimental conditions, bla bla bla... lymphocytes...phagocytosis...macromolecules...DNA...Guillain Barre Syndrome...

Well I guess I better really know about Guillain-Barre Syndrome. That could be important.

After the test, I spent some time making my apartment clean again (time well spent). Then I had to do a Standardized Patient Interview this afternoon, which unfortuantely was not the greatest. Apparently performance suffers due to lack of sleep. But you knew that already, right?

After that, I watched some basketball at home, went out and watched some basketball with friends, and had an all-around good time. Good, first and foremost, because there was no studying involved.

So that was my day. In addition, today I became a "maverick non-conformist", deleted Windows from my computer, and installed Ubuntu linux. Because my old computer stopped working properly. So I decided that now was the perfect time to stick it to the man and start running linux, the open source operating system. In fact, I'm using it was we speak to write this post, and it is AMAZING!

By the way, the penguin is the Linux mascot.


  1. I've always been curious about Linux. I'm just worried that none of my pirated software will run on it... Anyway, Guillan-Barre is pretty crazy. When I worked on the medical neurology floor, I took care of a couple of patients who had it.

    Speaking of music, you can check out http://www.myspace.com/billycupp to see what I've been up to. Some of the stuff on there I like, some I don't.

  2. Nice work with Ubuntu tomslick. I'm doing the same thing with my old computer at the apartment. Lots of fun.

    Started watching Arrested Development again. I laughed out loud when the graft-versus-host disease part came up! Haha

    It's gotta be lupus.
