
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Milk of Amnesia

Yesterday, I utilized a unique study strategy, one that will probably never work again. No, I didn't rewrite all of my notes in mirror image, although that is an idea for the next time I'm bored and feeling ambidextrous. What really happened was, I used the news to study.


I was studying for the anesthesia exam I had today. And Michael Jackson's death was in the news, because it was ruled a homicide (in case you didn't know). Anyway, as you've probably heard, he had been given some drugs by his doctor to "knock him out" (if you will), more specifically, propofol and some benzodiazepenes. Well, anyway, propofol is the most commonly used drug to put people to sleep for surgery induce anesthesia. So, when I went to the little gym at my apartment complex, someone had the news on. And all they were talking about was propofol this and propofol that. And since I was studying anesthesiology, and propofol's an anesthetic medication, I was like "hey, this is perfect!" So, I used the news to study.

Hopefully, later tonight I'll be able to use the Tonight Show to study. Although I start my pediatric surgery clerkship tomorrow, so maybe if I want to use the television to study from, I should wake up really early and watch Blue's Clues or something.

Or maybe since I'm starting pediatric surgery (peds surg, if you will...), I should go out and get ahold of some "Dora the Explora" scrubs so I can be as cool as all the nurses.

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