
Friday, February 27, 2009

Mental Status

So, I tell you this real short vinaigrette vignette because I thought it was funny. Yesterday I was doing a history and physical on this guy, and I came to the part for the "Mental Status" check. Well, as you probably know, or would have guessed, that's the part where I've got to ask things like, "What day is it?", and "What time is it?", and "Who's the president?", and stuff like that. Well, we were in just your standard hospital room, I'm sitting in a chair, talking with this gentleman, and I say, "What is today's date?" Well, he kind of looked above my head, and said "February 26th!". I thought to myself, "that was pretty fast", and then said "Do you know what time it is?". He replied that it was 2:30. "Incorrect!" thought I, it's only 1:30. Then it dawned on me: what do they put on the walls in hospital rooms? CALENDARS and CLOCKS! So I said to him: "It's right behind me isn't it?". I turned around in my chair and sure enough, there was a big date calendar directly above my head, with a big clock (an hour fast) right next to it!