
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I couldn't think of a good title...

If you had asked me today "How are you doing?", I would have said (like Joyce of Wengatz hall cleaning fame): "Doin' pretty good for a Monday...!" Actually, it was a pretty good day. Probably the best thing to happen was that I found out I pretty much rocked my histology test's world. So that had me feeling pretty smart...
However, tonight I went to this talk "they" had at the school about blood clotting and deep vein thrombosis (prophylactic thrombolytics to be more specific...). It was really geared for the orthopedic surgeons in the audience, of which I am clearly not one. After that, I no longer felt smart at all. In fact I felt pretty dumb. Most of the time, I had about a 10% idea what they were talking about. But on the positive side, I got to watch some people argue with the presenters during the Q&A time. So that was interesting. But again, they were mostly arguing about stuff I didn't quite understand.
Anyway, I enjoyed it on some level, mostly on the level of: 'wow, look how much you don't know--now go study!' Which isn't all bad.

1 comment:

  1. DVT prophylaxis? Our docs always order compression devices for our patients' lower legs to prevent clotting. The patients hate wearing them.
