
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

At it again

That's right, yours truly is putting his nose back to the ol' grindstone. (talk about the mother of all cliches! oh well.)

This Monday I took the final exam for Neuroscience (a lab test and a National Board of Medical Examiners "Shelf" exam) and after that I was greeted with the whole day of Tuesday off!! Which was great. I slept in (didn't even set my alarm), did laundry, cleaned, went grocery shopping--things that normal people do... So that was good. Of course I really don't know how the tests went, but I am confident that I passed. So now on to Physiology!!!

In other news, Saturday was a big day. The St. Joe County Public Library has a program every year called "Science Alive!" for kids. Basically the library has a whole bunch of science-related exhibitors come and set up exhibits and then basically every kid in the 25 mile radius comes and learns about science. (Well, that sounds kind of lame but stay with me) Anyway the medical school had an exhibit (I was on the planning committee... no big deal though) where we had the kids go through a "mini-medical school" experience. The got to dress up like doctors, play 'Guess the Organ', learn all about why to never, ever smoke (and play with a GIANT cigarette model), and learn about the 'tools of the trade'. I think it loses something in the telling, but it actually was pretty sweet, and (a mark of success) there wasn't any time during the day when our station was empty. Anyway, I think it was success.

On another note, I hope everyone enjoyed Super Tuesday yesterday. I know I did, which is good, because I missed most of the Super Bowl due to studying for my final. Our boy Ron may not have won any states, but he DID get 3 delegates out of West Virginia. Of course probably the best news out of the whole deal is that they didn't decide everything yesterday. So maybe (I know this is a stretch), maybe our votes here in Indiana will end up meaning something...

So there you have it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. (another cliche... oh no--but also a good song)

I hope you all enjoy my egregious use of punctuation. And the word 'egregious'.

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