
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Some great pathology"

So, here's the long and short of it: Paediatric Surgery: long hours, short people.


Anyway, paediatric surgery has been quite the experience, and about halfway through it, I can say that I finally know where mostly everything is located in the hospital. And I've seen and helped with quite a few procedures, and some real "zebra" cases (or "some great pathology" as my preceptor last year would have said). I've successfully had good, professional interactions with the hospital staff, such as nurses and respiratory therapists, and haven't really gotten anyone too mad at me since like my 2nd day there! 

Anyway, it's going well. Long hours, like I said, but it's going well.

And I've saved approximately 27 lives. In the past 72 hours. By myself. With only one hand.

1 comment:

  1. "And I've saved approximately 27 lives. In the past 72 hours. By myself. With only one hand."

    Awww... he's talking more like a surgeon every day!
